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About us
In the beginning, there was a lot of data and one idea provide simple, online, operational financing for small and medium-sized businesses.
Using AI, we've automated the entire process from application to risk scoring and approval.
Members of:

We provide fast financing for small and medium-sized companies.
10x faster than banks
Without paperwork
Company coverage
Smaller businesses are overlooked, and we want to change that. Jalloul from Flowpay on building fintech and participating in an accelerator

"The Czech Republic is an interesting place, where it’s good for experimentation, although quite conservative people live here — especially when it comes to financial services," says William Jalloul, founder of the startup Flowpay, in an interview.

Flowpay and IBM have developed an AI solution that will accelerate expansion into new markets.
The Czech fintech startup Flowpay has entered into a strategic partnership with IBM as part of the Fintechx program to develop an innovative AI solution that will significantly accelerate Flowpay’s expansion into new markets and reduce the approval time for financing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by 20%.

The Czech Fintech Association is growing. The newest board member is William Jalloul, founder of Flowpay
Our paths have been crossing for quite some time, whether through activities in the Czech Fintech Association or involvement in the startup community as a whole. His membership on the board was thus a natural next step. His vision, experience, and past successes clearly show that he will be an enormous asset to both the association and the entire Czech fintech sector.

Risk as a service. Flowpay makes it easier for smaller businesses to raise working capital
Founder and CEO William Jalloul says that providing operational financing to small and medium-sized companies using alternative data is only a first step.

Flowpay aims to restore trust in SMEs
In the article, William (the founder of Flowpay) talks about the need to increase opportunities for SMEs if they want to grow and get working capital funding.

How is fintech helping to bridge the SME funding gap?
In the article, William (the founder of Flowpay) talks about the need to increase opportunities for SMEs if they want to grow and get working capital funding.

They lend even to those who failed to get a loan from the bank.
Why are SMEs the backbone of the Czech economy? How long does Flowpay lend money for? And why is evaluating transaction data more beneficial than tax returns and statements? Learn more in the article.

Flowpay wants to change the financing of companies. with founders Daniel Hastík and William Jalloul wants to provide smart one-click financing based on real-time data from their clients. They have received over 10 million CZK from investors to get started.
Development and implementation of the myFLOWPAY 2.0 platform at FLOWPAY s.r.o.
Is funded by the European Union.
The aim of the project is to innovate the entire process of approval and financing, which will be automated to the greatest extent possible. The solution involves the development and implementation of various parts of the platform into a single multifunctional unit. of teh Project: CZ.31.4.0/0.0/0.0/23_069/0007934
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